Noluthando Javu

“I promised myself endless restarts. as many rebirths as my weary bones could handle. and even if this is the ninth restart, it’s still mine and I must begin again” – Nwabisa Mazana
Each of us have a background that is unique to us, an experience that has shaped who we are today. While starting therapy can prove to be an anxiety provoking experience, the therapeutic space offers one an opportunity to gain an understanding of how these experiences continue to have an impact on who they are. I aim at collaborating with clients as they work towards understanding themselves in relation to the challenges that they face, an experience that I believe facilitates healing, personal growth, and self-awareness. Although I enjoy working from a Narrative and a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy framework, I am flexible and prefer to adapt to the needs of the client – ensuring that therapy is tailored to each person’s individual needs and goals.
Therapeutic Approach
I work with children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. I have a strong interest in working with children and adolescents, which stems from my passion in ensuring that their voices are heard and that they are understood better. Through a collaborative relationship with them and their families I believe that children and adolescents are left feeling seen and more empowered.
Areas of interest
- Depression and other mood disorders
- Anxiety
- Grief and bereavement
- Identity and developmental challenges
- Adjustment
- Trauma and stress
- Relationship challenges
- Play therapy
- Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology (University of Pretoria)
- BA Honours in Psychology (University of South Africa)
- BA Honours in Media Studies (Cum Laude) (University of the Witwatersrand)
- BA Psychology and Media Studies (University of the Witwatersrand)